1. Introduction

The animal behavior is a science still little spread, mainly here in Brazil because the people ignore the significant importance of knowing as that the dog behaves before the countless situations that he faces in his/her conviviality with the human society. The behavior is an emerging property of the function of the nervous system and it cannot be explained easily just individually with base in the properties of the neurons or even in the selected groups of neurons. The behavior is the expression of the sum of muscular contractions separately and of hormonal secretions.

The order, the type, the moment and the relative amount of the muscular contractions and of the hormonal secretions they determine that type of behavior will happen. 10 therefore, the behavior is the result in the way as the several nervous and hormonal subsystems interact amongst themselves and with the external and internal world.

In the case of the aggressiveness, we could mention the interaction of the Limbic System, that it is supplied of noradrenalina by the locus ceruleus, and in relation to the neuroanatomy, the cerebral tonsil that it can be studied for the understanding of the fear, of the anxiety and of the phobias, including the aggressiveness.

We should also remember the paper of the serotonin in the aggressive behavior, because, most of the disorders in the metabolism of this hormone, they are present in the several problems of behavior.

It is important to know that the disorders of the behavior are provoked by alterations in several situations, as for instance physical alterations that provoke pain, neurological alterations as a cerebral neoplasia, physiologic alterations, and they can still be provoked, and most of the time they are, for the genetics, in the case of the hereditariness and for the small and sometimes any understanding of the people on the canine nature.

2. Objective

The objective of the work is to show that the dogs no human beings. It is to show that they have needs and own behavior and that because of the ignorance that the people have in relation to this, they enter in conflict with their dogs in what says respect to their relationships provoking the problems of behavior, turning this unpleasant coexistence and in the case of the aggressiveness, dangerous. It will also be discussed the different types of aggressive behavior and their treatments, including the modification of the behavior through exercises, the castration and the use of drugs.

3. The Bond Man-Dog

The bond man - dog, as it is seen today, it is a modern manifestation of an important and uncommon event that happened there is more than 11000 years in Caverna Shanidar's area in Iraq. This event was the domestication of the dog. The establishment of the bond man-dog the road for a process that ever since has, provided the human beings with a vast variety of production of foods, transport and company animals. 1

The understanding of the changes in the dogs and in their relationships with human beings during the first thousand years of contact it is pertinent to a number of problematic aspects of the bond man-dog as it is seen in the days today in our society. These aspects include the problems with bitten of dogs, which link with the aggressiveness physiologic, pathological and hereditary. 1

3.1. The Domestication and Dispersion of the Primitive Dogs

Countless informative they summarize the domestication of the dog in Middle East and they give details of the development of the relationship between neolithic human beings and Canis wild sp of that area. Most of these domestication sceneries suggests an or more subspecieses of the wolf in the Asian Southwest (C. lupus pallipes, C. lupus arabs) as the canídeos that you/they wrapped up probably in this process, and his/her position is maintained usually by available archeological material. However, this initial contact was followed by these primitive human beings' fast dispersion and their" dog-wolves" outside of Middle East, moving for the south towards Africa, and to the east, crossing India towards the Asian Southwest, and few useful archeological materials available exist in these areas. 1 this way, a notable lack of information exists on the characteristics of these dog-wolves domesticated precocemente and on his/her relationship during the development of the bond man-dog. 1

The canine races as they are known by us came only settling down in an organized way there are approximately 200 years. But before that the man already selected dogs for specific functions. 13

Fight dogs were selected for us to attack fast and unexpectedly without warning, they have a low threshold to incentives that unchained the attack, high threshold for pain (smaller sensibility to the pain), they lose the recognition of submission signs that you/they would interrupt the attack and finally they were a lot of times selected to struggle until the death. It is like this very common that people attacked by dogs say not to have seen any warning on the part of the dog. 13 the genetic base of the aggression can be demonstrated if we compare the aggressiveness of the domestic animals and of the savages which descend. As example, we can mention the domestication of the wolf transforming him/it in dog. In this case, it was the interest for the handling easiness that took the primitive man, generation after generation, to choose as reproductive the most docile animals.

In other cases, the human selection went in the sense of producing more ferocious animals, demonstrating the hereditary base of the aggressiveness there also. 9 once in the pack, it is the dominant dog that he/she has, among other functions, the paper of guard of the territory and defense of the members of the pack. For the dog to accomplish this function, he should impede that strange to the family (pack) they approach or invade his/her territory. 13

To understand the natural behavior of the dogs better in his/her social system, we should know how the social organization works inside of the pack, as well as the group leadership, which you/they understand the dominância behaviors and of submission, because the incomprehension that most of the owners of dogs possesses in relation to the canine nature is what provokes, a lot of times, the aggressive behavior of the animal.

4. The Pack and his/her Leader

The dogs are animal predators that live in extensive family groups, possessing a complex social organization. 11 them, even after many years of domestication, they still possess all of the instincts that their ancestors needed to survive until today, as the survival in the nature, the protection and the affection with the companions.

Studies of behavior of the wolves and wild dogs indicate that the aggression and the violence are exceptions; fights only happen in last case. 2 this because when the dogs really fight, they are hurt, and any member of the pack weakened reduces the chances of survival of the group. 11

Dogs and people can live together because they possess seemed social systems. In this system, a great care of the parents exists to the offspring, the vocal and no-vocal communication is used, and it is based on consideration, no physical violence and control. 2

For the fact of dogs and people have seemed social structures, we familiarized with many canine signs. This if it turns a problem, because the people assume that the signs canine teeth are exactly as ours. 2

Without the conscience that we are different, we entered in dispute with the dogs and we ended up being nervous or frustrated with their reactions. We hoped the dogs want what want, that you/they feel as we felt and, still worse, that you/they think like us thought. 11 in the pack exist a relative hierarchy of structures of social rules and the position of the animal in the group can be affected by the age, sexual composition of the social group and for an individual ability. 2

Because of these social rules a leader exists among the dogs of the pack, a dog that for their abilities or it forces, it will drive to the others. The leader imposes respect through signs and attitudes. The whole time the animals receive and they pass information each other regarding who it is the dominant and of who is the subordinate. 11

For the dogs the hierarchy is obligatory, and that is very important for them, therefore, each dog knows exactly which is his/her place inside of the group and they are constantly tested to know who is the leader, because to be the leader of the pack it means to protect the other members and to impose the rules for the group to prosper.

4.1. The Dominant Behavior

For the dog, our family and the members which she is composed, besides he, is the pack, his/her social group, and of course as every dog, will always try to be the dominant member. For this to happen, the dog will test all of the people that live with him exhibiting dominant behaviors that a lot of times will pass unnoticed for the rest of the group. For instance, some proprietors think the dog is giving a hug in them when it puts their paws in their shoulders. This is not a hug, it is a challenge. In the communication among dogs, to arise in another dog with the front paws is a clearing challenge. Caressing dogs when they are being challenged, the owners, without knowing," they lose" for them. 2

Other behaviors exhibited by the dog how to be lying in front of a door, avoiding that his/her owner passes through her; always to want to walk in front of the person anywhere that she goes; to lean on or to put the paw insistently on the owner in all of the opportunities that he has, they define the dominant behavior well and the constant argues for the leadership of the group that he lives.

4.2. The Submissive Behavior

A submissive dog knows which is his/her role in the family and that this, with certainty is not it of leader. For instance, dogs that lean on on people asking for attention don't harden the body, they open the eyes and they accompany the person so that they are played or supported again. Dogs looking for for intimacy, they usually answer with sounds and later they ask (they move the head sidelong, they roll, they emit funny sounds, they balance the tail, they put the ears back). 2 are important to understand that a submissive dog is not a sad dog, despised and fearsome. If in the family hierarchy the dog occupies the most inferior place, he won't be disappointed, on the contrary, he will respect his/her position and he will live very happy, because the dogs are so happy being the member more subordinate of the family as being the dominantest member. 4

5. Types of Aggressiveness

The aggressiveness is a common behavioral sign and that he/she rarely has origin exclusively organic. In the nature, in agreement with the situation in a certain moment, the dog exhibits different aggression types.

The aggressive behavior is all that that has as objective intimidates either to hurt a person or another animal. 11

For the dogs that have serious aggressive behavior to commit the physical integrity of the members of the family and of other dogs, the treatment medicamentoso is indicated with the intention of aiding the process of modification of the behavior.

Being like this, we can divide the occurrence of the aggressive behavior in groups and to relate each one of them with different situation types.

5.1. Aggressiveness to the Owner

In relation to the owner and to the members of the family, the dog can present types of aggressive behavior that you/they can be divided in: aggressiveness related to the fear and the aggressiveness related to children. 12

5.1.1. Aggressiveness Related to the Fear

This is a type of aggressiveness commonwealth and quite dangerous. Dogs that are repressed for their owners through physical punishment have great chances of they begin to attack them to defend. Nestlings that are badly socialized or that you/they are hit can be traumatized and, to the if they turn adult and if they run across with a situation seemingly threatening, as for instance the owner to come in his/her direction to hug him, the aggressive behavior related to the fear will come to the surface and ocão will attack his/her owner.

Dogs that present this healthy behavioral disturbance very anxious, don't ask for affection and they prefer to be isolated.

It is natural and adaptable for the dogs feel fear of strange incentives and they present an aggressiveness related to this fear so that the responsible incentive for the fear or anxiety leaves. 4 therefore, the socialization process should be very well done to habituate the animal to incentives that usually unchain the fear as vacuum cleaner, lawn mowers, cyclists, thunders, automobiles and veterinary hospitals. But the most important for the dog not to demonstrate aggressiveness is never to use of physical aggression to punish him/it.

5.1.2. Aggressiveness to Children

The dogs can also present aggressiveness related to the children. Some dogs react aggressively only with children, because the children are in the same vision level (height) of the dogs and their glances would make the dog to think they would be facing them being this noticed as a threat, doing with that the dogs take a defensive attitude. 2 the tendency in attacking (children) it is more related to the reactivity than the other aggressiveness types, and small races are almost always more you reactivate that larger races. Therefore, small races are not very appropriate for families that possess small children. 4 if a young dog pretends to have children's fear, they should be presented to the dog in a calm way. The more old it is the dog, more difficult it will be the acclimatation process. 4

5.2. Aggressiveness Driven to Strange

A subject that should be reminded when we spoke in aggression to strange people is the responsible ownership and again it should be mentioned the process of socialization of the animal here in relation to the people that he will come across when he/she will walk in the street or in a park, for instance.

5.2.1. Territorial aggressiveness

The territorial aggressiveness can be observed at the house, in the lawn, in the neighborhood, during a walk, inside of the car or anywhere that the dog tends to frequent and to mark with his/her urine.

This behavior is complicated by the fear and it can get worse the dog to be chained by lingering periods. 12

Here the treatment bases on the prevention, reducing the vision or the access of the dog to the street; dogs seriously affected they should receive focinheiras, mainly when they will walk and also the modification can be used activates of the behavior.

5.2.2. Aggressiveness Related to the Fear

This type of behavior is defensive and it can happen in several threatening situations as in the it practices medicine veterinary, in canine exhibitions or during walks. When the dog is not accustomed (socialized), very big men, children, people that seem to be if moving in a strange way (as the deficient ones physical) or other uncommon situations can cause fear.

5.2.3. Predatory aggressiveness

Even after whole the process of domestication of the primitive dog, the essential predatory instinct for the survival was always present.

The care that we should take here is with the babies, mainly the newly born ones that in response to his/her odor or to his/her cry, the predatory instinct of the dog can surface and the consequences would be devastating.

5.3. Aggressiveness Addressed for Animals

These aggressiveness types share of very strong instinctive components. Among them, we can mention the fight to arrive to leader's position in the pack and the predação.

5.3.1. Aggressiveness Driven Dogs of the Same House

Fights canine maidservants frequently are dominância conflicts, typically among dogs of the same sex. Such combats can be harmful and same fatal (in the case of fight among two females). 11

These fights unconsciously are provoked by the own proprietors, because they try to give the same treatment for both dogs and, sometimes, they favor the weakest and submissive inverting or neutralizing the hierarchy that already existed doing with that the dog, that formerly was the dominant, try again to conquer his/her place in the pack, and other fight (it argues) it will happen. 11

The hierarchy cannot be very defined for the dogs and them stay in a constant argues to see who gets a larger attention of the dominant member of the pack, that would be the proprietor in the case. 12

Respect the natural hierarchy among their dogs. Feed, caress and light for walking in the dominância order, without feeling guilty, because this is a natural condition for them and this avoids fights and confusions. 11

Significant differences of race, temperament, sex and age of the dogs facilitates the stability of the hierarchy, avoiding the disputes, as for instance live together a Dog Alemão and a Poodle.

5.3.2. Aggressiveness Driven Ignored Dogs

The attacks to strange dogs can happen before or after the investigation that the dog aggressor does about the sex and the attitude of the dog-objective.

This aggressiveness type usually happens when the socialization of the dog was not well done, in other words, if he didn't have contact in general with other dogs, people and noises in the correct phase of his/her social development.

It is important if it doesn't show afraid nor tensionar the guide when passing for other dogs so that his/her dog doesn't relate them with danger. Ignore them and continue walking. Try to do his/her dog to have positive associations in the presence of other dogs giving to him a toy or a pleasure, or even food when he or you sight another dog. With that, his/her dog, next time that to come across with other dog will associate him/it with the game.

5.3.3. Driven aggressiveness the Other Animals

The behavior that the dogs exhibit here is predatory, being difficult to eliminate this instinctive behavior.

The one that she can do is to habituate the conviviality among the animals accomplishing a safe approach among the two until that they ignore each other. In case it happens a hunt answer, the acclimatation should be retaken.

6. Transferred aggressiveness

When two dogs that live harmoniously begin biting when other dog passes outside of the fence, they are demonstrating a behavior of transferred aggressiveness.

When beating in the dog, it can be that the person is dominant and strong enough to avoid an attack against itself, but this attack maybe is redirected for other members of the family as the children and, depending on the load of the dog, this can be very dangerous.

7. Aggressiveness for Dominância

The aggressiveness for dominância is one in the ways more common of aggressiveness in dogs and he/she shows for a solid and atypical aggressive behavior against the people. These behaviors include to snarl, to catch and to bite. It is important to point out that bitten are preceded usually by a vocal warning.

The understanding lack on the nature of the aggressiveness for dominância in dogs has been taking many proprietors to try to work with this deviation of behavior using of physical punishment, in other words, showing to the dog who is that it orders.

The dogs show aggressiveness for dominância in several circumstances and what ties these events is the attempt of the dogs of controlling situations involving people. Typical situations of provocation include:

The objectives of the aggression can include an or more members of the family, or the dog can be aggressive just with strange people. Sometimes, some dogs can be shown aggressive just for caused stress, for instance, for a misunderstanding in the family that generates a discussion.

The aggressiveness is not the same with all of the members of the house. A member of the family that doesn't have a lot of dominância on the dog can be attacked with more frequency than a person that is firmer with him, because he knows that can dominate a subordinate person to him. In the same way, some aggressive dominant dogs, knowing that they can dominate submissive people, they leave them of side to challenge the member more family fort, in other words, the leader. The aggressiveness for dominância in dogs, typically grows in the sexual maturity, that it usually happens between 18 and 36 months of age (1 to 4 years). In spite of most of the aggressive dominant dogs they be male, this condition can happen in females, frequently in a younger age.

Aggressiveness for dominância is not controlled by hormones, but the presence of androgenic, including the testosterone, or the estrógenos lack during the development sexual or social can exacerbate the aggression. 2 this disturbance usually appears when there are conflicts in the adopted hierarchy, in the point of view of the dog. If he is superior, it won't like orders of people that are below him to proceed. 11 dogs don't want equality, they need to be above or below their owners in the hierarchy.

7.1. The dogs Aggressive Dominantemente

In first place, we should know that the dominant word should not be used to describe a dog that is only affirmative, confident or insistent. He can have all these characteristics without being aggressive dominantemente.

The dogs with aggressiveness for dominância can be divided in 2 groups:

1.        Those that know that you/they are in the control and they can force their owners to do her their wills.

2.       Those that are insecure of their social roles and they use of aggressive behavior to show what want.

Most of the dogs aggressive dominantemente is in the second group. These dogs receive information on their social and behavioral limits based in as their owners react to their aggressions.

The dogs in this category seem to be uncertain of his/her hierarchical status in the family. The dogs of the second group don't address the aggression equally for all of the people because they answer differently to each social interaction.

In agreement with data obtained at the Clinic of Behavior of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, many dogs of the second group also exhibit behavior of attention. These dogs are lacking and they are constantly seeking people to give attention to them. These dogs have an abnormal control desire and frequently they challenge other to determine their positions in the social way.

For the fact of affected dogs they have an anxiety disturbance and they be using aggressive behaviors for us to get what want, the physical punishment should never be used. Physical punishment convinces these dogs that the person that punishes is them a threat. Therefore, the aggressive behavior will worsen. To beat or to beat an affected dog creates a relationship conflitivo, increasing the anxiety and the canine aggressiveness.

8. Diagnostic

Before accomplishing a diagnosis of the aggressiveness for dominância, remove any medical cause to be contributing to this abnormal behavior. Some medical conditions as infections, neoplasias or neurological problems and their treatments, they can take dogs the they be more reagents and the if they hold inadequately.

When the medical causes be removed, the diagnosis can be made being based just in the always present aggressive behavior.

The aggressiveness for dominância is not linked the a circumstance specifies, and his/her diagnosis should not be based on a simple event. For instance, the diagnosis cannot be made if a dog bites when it is pushed outside of the sofa; he can be had afraid or been hurt. But a diagnosis can be made if a dog bites when pushed outside of the sofa and it also exhibits other aggressive behaviors as snarling when the owner pulls his/her head to put the collar, to snarl when it is noticed on something, or when it is inconvenienced while he is sleeping.

These behaviors would be facing the pulse of control of the dog, instead of they be normal activities. The aggressiveness for dominância is not directly linked to situations that involve food, ownership (toys) or territory, but it can happen with these events and, if this happens, the situation can be severe. 2

Dogs that are aggressive dominantemente and, for instance, they polish in his/her owner to ask attention harden the body and they answer with a snarled. Later, this snarled can become something more threatening, as a bite.

The frequency and the intensity of the aggressive behaviors don't affect the diagnosis, but they can affect the prognostic and the potential danger of the dog to the people.

9. Treatment

The purpose of the treatment of the aggressiveness for dominância is to improve the affected canine behavior so that the family can live in harmony with the dog. He should reduce the risk of damages to the people, and of damages to the own dogs. The treatment in this case owes human being, in other words, we should guide the owner of the dog in like him he/she should act with his/her animal in the several situations that provoke this behavior. This treatment involves the following steps:

Being avoided certain situations and teaching their dogs to render attention, the owners can break the cycle of the aggressive behavior. The first steps in the treatment of the aggressiveness for dominância in a healthy dog of avoiding circumstances to provoke him/it.

9.1. Avoidance

The customer's will in treating a dog aggressive dominantemente depends on the intensity of the behavior and if this customer is capable to know when his/her dog will become aggressive. Therefore it should be obtained a detailed history of the patient's behavior. This history will indicate the circumstances in that the dog will act aggressively. The customer should be alerted to avoid these circumstances. For instance, if a dog snarls when it is hugged, the owner should not hug him. If a dog snarls when it is faced, the owner should not face the dog because, when facing him/it, the owner is asking for the dog to answer a challenge. This will just intensify the aggressiveness. If the owner doesn't look directly in the eyes of the dog, it doesn't mean that he lost the challenge, it means that it is avoiding a situation in that the dog could manipulate. The avoidance will probably improve the behavior of an affected dog because he won't be rewarded for a good time by a behavior inapropriado.

9.2. Passive modification of the Behavior

He/she teaches the dog the if it subordinates the owner. This type of modification of the behavior works because it incorporates signs that the dogs use to communicate in his/her natural social system. The dogs have a social system based on the consideration to their companions. All the social animals create a structure of rules allowing that you/they communicate amongst themselves. The dogs, frequently seem that you/they are paying attention to everything that we speak and a lot of times we supposed that they are agreeing with our structure of rules. But nestlings and problematic dogs need to have a solid structure of rules. Dogs are receptive to the orientation and they will accept suggestions on the convenience of his/her behavior starting from their owners.

The passive modification of the behavior is a discipline form that doesn't involve physical punishment. For many dogs, not to care or not to give attention to them is much more undesirable than the physical punishment. Dogs that are treated with aggression will learn how to ignore the punishment or to learn to seek her, since this is the only type of attention that they have. The intention of the passive modification of the behavior is to teach to the dog that he should show consideration to his/her owner to win attention.

First, the owners should forget about the actions that usually provoke in the dog fear, rage or the two. As, the owners should be very aware of their interactions with their animals. For instance, if the proprietor is speaking, attending television or reading the newspaper and the dog comes and it is scrubbed or he gives kicks, the owner usually and passively burrow and it caresses the dog. The owner is not aware that the dog provoked that situation and that she is in complete control. The dog demanded attention, and the owner gave her.

In this case, the animal should not be rewarded in the exact moment in that he demanded attention. The owner should wait for some seconds until that the dog stops putting the paw on him and, only after this to offer the due affection to the animal.

9.3. Teaching Consideration

The dog with aggressiveness for dominância should learn respecting you before letting to do him any thing (to eat, to enter or to leave, to put the collar and until receiving his/her affection and attention). Could control him/it, you will have a relationship much better and confident with his/her dog. The dog should have respect with you before receiving what wants.

For instance, if his/her dog wants to walk, first piece for him to seat using his/her name and say" sits down." Don't scream with him, speak quietly and piece. If he sat down, wait from 5 to 3 seconds, reward him with love, or some food and will walk. Like this he will associate the correct behavior with the reward. If his/her dog doesn't render attention in you, ignore him/it, he leaves closely and leave that he comes to ask you again. Sooner or later he will agree. With this the dog will be considered in everything that he wants, his/her dog learns looking seeking you for tracks on the convenience of his/her behavior, which prevents the behavior indesejado in change. He learns that, if he/she answers to the order that was given him/her, the reward it will arrive.

The consideration behavior does with that his/her dog calms down and it is an I diminish for anxious dogs. A dog that sits down is a dog less reagent than one that tears things. This allows to the dog to join a verbal track, the correct behavior, and a physiologic answer, how to relax while it receives the reward. Everything this has a soothing effect.

9.4. Modification Activates of the Behavior

The modification activates of the behavior includes desensitization and against-conditioning and he/she bases on the passive modification of the behavior. If the consideration behavior be not established, provalvelmente the owners won't have success with this technique. Basically, the owners put an end to the actions that do with that a dog becomes aggressive to situations and repeatedly it exposes the dog to the these situations in a way no threatening (desensitization), rewarding him with food when him if it maintains relaxed (against-conditioning).

The owner needs to desensitize his/her dog of situations that you/they do with that his/her behavior aggressive dominantemente surfaces. The objective is to maintain the relaxed dog and to do with that the owner gets to move with him without provoking aggressions. The key is to accustom him/it to things that he can see as a challenge, as for instance to approach the dog at the one certain distance and to play him/it. This requests the cooperation of 2 people, the person that will manipulate him/it and 1 assistant. The assistant stands up to at a distance of approximately 3 meters beside the dog. The manipulator stands up or seating in front of the dog and he gives to him food and pleasures for the wanted behavior. The dog will get to see the assistant with his/her outlying vision, but the objective is to do with that the dog focuses the manipulator directly. 3

The assistant begins making small circles in the air with the curved arm" in the elbow" the dog should learn to ignore this and to relax, if the dog if you/he/she maintains relaxed the manipulator will give food rewarding him for the wanted behavior. Gradually the assistant makes larger and faster circles. If the dog stays relaxed, the assistant will close be able to arrive and to begin again to accomplish small circles and slow increase progressively this exercise. 3

It is important that the dog stays attentive to the manipulator during the exercise. To look for the assistant is acceptable just if the dog returns his/her attention quickly to the manipulator for own will or if his/her name be called.

Continue these exercises until that the dog is seating, quiet and assists the manipulator, while the assistant makes great circles on the head of the dog. Once this done, the assistant approaches laggingly and she tries to play him/it, to push him/it to roll him/it. Observe the dog carefully as soon as he begins to be played. Many dogs aggressive dominantemente tolerate gestures that don't involve physical contact, but if they turn aggressive to the minimum intimate contact. 3 you can always return to work to at a level less reagent and gradually to arrive to at a more intimate level.

Once the assistant kindly can push the dog for the ground without any resistance, the whole process should be repeated in different places, inside and out of the place and of different positions in relation to the dog. All of the members of the family can practice being manipulator or assistant. 3

It is important to reward the dog just when he acts adequately. If him if it turns afflicted or anxious and it doesn't get to complete a part of the program returns and calmly work in this part. Limit sections from 15 to 20 minutes 1 or 2 times a day. If the dog becomes aggressive, stop for some minutes and then return to the exercises.

This program of desensitization and against-conditioning is a gentile middle of teaching the dog that people are not a threat.

9.5. The Castration as Alternative

The castration can suppress the aggressiveness for dominância and her is more efficient in young animals that just began to show aggressiveness signs and/or you encourage demonstrating signs no so strong of aggressiveness. As no other behavior can be affected by the castration, nor all the animals answer comportamentalmente well to her. 5 Progestágenos have an outstanding effect on the aggressiveness for dominância against people. Megestrol acetate to a dose of 2 mg/kg V.O. it is frequently effective, within 24 hours, in the suppression of the aggressiveness for dominância. 5

In a research accomplished with 57 male dogs, of age between 2 and 10 years, it was asked the owners, 9 difficult problems of behavior and that they esteemed the improvement percentage in these behaviors after the castration.

Statistical analyses revealed significant improvement in relation to the demarcation of the house, to set up, aggressiveness against members of the family, aggressiveness against other dogs in the home, aggressiveness against ignored dogs, and aggressiveness against intruding humans in the territory. Significant reductions in the fear on inanimate incentives and in the aggressiveness against ignored people (out of the house) they were not evident. In agreement with a previous research, the 3 behavioral patterns with the best improvement probabilities were territorial demarcation for the urine, to set up and to wander. For these behaviors, 66% of the dogs got better in at least 50% and 35% of the dogs got better in at least 90%. An improvement of at least 50% on the several types of aggressive behavior were seen in only 30% of the males. 5

In spite of the castration to affect a number of specific behavioral patterns of males, the chance of altering other behaviors depends on the behavior in subject. 5 the ovariectomy of females has little influence on aggressive tendencies. However, if young females are a little aggressive, to remove their ovaries before the 12 months of age can predispose them the aggressiveness when adult. 7

9.6. The Pharmacology in the Treatment of the Aggressiveness for Dominância

If the modification of the behavior is used in the beginning of the problem of the aggressiveness by dominância, the therapy with drugs cannot be requested. But in some dogs aggressive dominantemente, particularly those with more than a disorder of behavior, the therapy with drugs together with the modification of the behavior is necessary. 3 before prescribing any drug, we should accomplish a complete anamnesis of the animal, doctor and of the behavior. Carefuls should be been if the patient is geriatric, you/he/she is suffered of abnormalities metabolic or heart or you/he/she is received other medicines. 10 electrocardiograms should be made if the animal has history of arrhythmias or heart diseases, because studies have been showing that QRS and intervals Q-T are affected for certain drugs used for anxiety disorder (amitriptilina and clomipramina). Before beginning, during and after the therapy he/she has complete exams of blood count and biochemistry, since most of the drugs used in the treatment are metabolized by the renal roads and liverwort. 12

The drugs for the treatment of the aggressiveness for dominância can be used certainly if we have a diagnosis, recognition of the mechanism of action of the drug, of the side effects and of as the drug will alter the behavior. Check that the drugs will be given in the time and in the enough dosage to obtain the wanted effect. If the patient doesn't get better, the initial diagnosis should be reconsidered. 10

In the past a great variety of medicines was used to try to control the aggressiveness for dominância. The lítio has been used with success particularly in dogs that possess a stimulating component for his/her aggressiveness, but unhappily the therapeutic dose and the poisonous dosage is put upon in dogs. For this reason him rotineiramente is not used. They exist new antipsychotic (Olanzapina, Risperidona and Clozapina) that can be useful however no still very tested. 3

The first choices for the treatment of dogs aggressive dominantemente are the antidepressants tricíclicos (TCA's) and the selective inhibitors of the serotonin (SSRI's). Tranquilizers fenotiazínicos as the acepromazina and anticonvulsants no specific as the fenobarbital they are not more used except for the carbamazepina (Tegretol - Novartis), an anticonvulsant that controls the" explosions" associated to neurological and behavioral conditions in dogs and humans. 3

Tegretol can be used concomitantly with TCA or SSRI to increase the effectiveness, but the leucopenia can be a serious side effect if the carbamazepina be used by a long time, therefore, the patient's blood count should constantly be monitored.

9.6.1. TCA's and SSRI's

TCA's include: Hidrocloreto of Amitriptilina (Elavil-Zêneca), Hidrocloreto of Nortriptilina (Pamelor-Novatis) and Hidrocloreto of Clomipramina (Anafranil and Clomicalm-Novartis) SSRI's include: Hidrocloreto of Fluoxetina (Prozac-Dista), Hidrocloreto of Paroxetina (Paxil-Smith Kline & Beecham), Hidrocloreto of Sertralina (Zoloft-Pfizer) and Maleato of Fluvoxamina (Luvox-Solvay). 3

Mechanism of Action

TCA's are very similar estruturalmente with the antipsychotics fenotiazínicos and they are used to treat anxiety, fear, obsessive-compulsive disorders and the pain neuropática in animals and people. 6 TCA's has 3 important effects: mitigation, action central and outlying anticolinérgica and potencialização of aminas biogênicas of SNC, as Norepinefrina and the Serotonin, blocking his/her reabsorption in the pré-synaptic neurons, obtaining the effects antidepressant and ansiolítico.

In the general the metabólitos of TCA's, as for instance the nortriptilina, are inhibiting more potent of the reabsorption of the norepinefrina than their original compositions, while the original compositions are inhibiting more potent of the reabsorption of the 5-hidroxitriptamina. A metabólito usually has a ½ life similar or larger than his/her original composition. 3 the knowledge of the intermediate metabólitos is important because their effects can be better than the effects of their original compositions, for instance, animals that are sedated or that you/they present nauseas when treaties with the amitriptilina, they can answer better to his/her intermediate metabólito, the nortriptilina in a same dose.

Drugs selected for the treatment of the aggressiveness by dominância

Drugs Dosage
Amitriptilina (Elavil) 1 - 2 mg/kg V.O. BID, por 30 dias
Clomipramina (Anafranil e Clomicalm)  
Imipramina 1 a 2 mg/kg V.O. BID, ou SID, por 30 dias
Nortriptilina (Pamelor) 1 a 2 mg/kg V.O. BID, por 30 dias
Fluoxetina (Prozac) 1 mg/kg V.O. SID, por 8 semanas
Fluvoxamina (Luvox) 0,5 a 1 mg/kg V.O. SID, por 8 semanas
Paroxetina (Paxil) 1 mg/kg V.O. SID, por 8 semanas
Sertralina (Zoloft) 1 mg/kg V.O. SID, por 8 semanas
Carbamazepina (Tegretol) 0,5 a 1,25 mg/kg V.O. TID, por 14 a 30 dias
  E depois 4 a 8 mg/kg V.O. BID
Fonte: Overall, K.L.: Dominance aggression in dogs: Part 2. Veterinary Medicine. 1999.

Side effects

For TCA's the most common side effects in people are: mouth dries, constipation, urinary retention, palpitation and other arrhythmias, ataxia, depression, widespread lack of appetite and disorientation. The signs usually if they turn softer with the reduction of the dosage or with the discontinuance of the treatment. In dogs the most common side effects are: mitigation and disturbances gastrintestinais. 12

For SSRI's Fluoxetina pretends not to have effects on Norepinefrina and the Dopamine and he/she doesn't have activities anticolinérgicas and antihistamínicas therefore, she has minimum side effects in people.

TCA's and SSRI's can be the main characters in the treatment of the aggressiveness for dominância, but they should be used rationally and in combination with the modification of the behavior. A study showed that the passive modification of the alone behavior reduces the anxiety of the dog, but the addition of TCA's to the treatment accelerates the improvement. The more you know about change of behavior and concomitant use of drugs, better. 3

10. Conclusion

During the domestication of the dogs, the human beings molded the behavior of these encourage for us to act in agreement with the needs and wills of the society and, for that reason and for the lack of understanding of the nature canine, many disturbances of behavior they appeared and if they turned a problem for the people. Thanks to studies of the animal behavior, the veterinary doctors have the possibility to study these disturbances and to try to solve them, together with the proprietors so that the relationship man-dog becomes like her should be, pleasant.

11. Bibliographical references

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Text of authority of the Dr. Gustavo Farath Rondinoni - CRMV: SP 13217


Texto de autoria do Dr. Gustavo Farath Rondinoni - CRMV: SP 13217